The Kids Castle Team

Our diverse group of team members have been chosen carefully and evaluated according to relevant Early Years development standards. Our team is qualified in and aware of the basics of early child development that is fundamental and necessary for children’s growth and success in later years.  We share a wealth of experience gained in different educational settings and conduct continuous professional development to ensure we stay on top of the latest in early years pedagogy.

‘We are not  a team because we work together but because we respect, trust & care for each other, just like we do with our Jewels.’

Castle Team

The well-being of our students

Well-being is fundamental to student development. Our curriculum includes helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to form positive relationships and develop respect for others. To develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings. And to understand appropriate behaviour in groups and to have confidence in their own abilities.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development (PSED), is one of the prime development areas, underpinning early years development.

Early Years Foundation Stage (UK)

Keeping everyone safe!

As part of our continued focus on preventative measures we ensure that safe practices are followed.  We also santise all surfaces, toys and rooms throughout the school day. Our Health & Safety team does regular checks to ensure we follow all relevant safety practices & procedures for Preschools. We are a ‘shoe free’ preschool, children remove their shoes upon arrival and teachers change into indoor shoes.


Castle Team